Cabaret Noir

New variety - Cabaret Noir

General: The grape variety is a cross combination of Cabernet Sauvignon and resistance partners, bred by the Swiss Valentin Blattner. Volker Freytag has taken over the sponsorship for the protection and propagation of the variety.

Cluster: The cluster is short, discreetly loosened, with small shoulders. The berry is round, small and covered with an even layer of wax.


Peronospora ++

Oidium +++

Botrytis +++

Wine: The wine shows a subtle Cabernet play in the aromas of dark cherry, juniper berry and violet. On the palate, it is reminiscent of the spice of cloves and pepper. The ripe tannins round off the pleasantly soft flavour profile of this variety.

Cluster: The ripening time is early, at the beginning of September. This makes the variety suitable for late or high altitudes or more northern wine regions. The thick berry skin reduces the risk of botrytis, which has a positive effect on the harvest period. The growth is medium strong and upright. Due to the short internodes, the grapes are all in an even horizon, which makes the work of defoliation much easier when necessary.

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